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Gone are the days of our old favourite toys filling up our kids’ bedrooms. Now it’s all about the latest tech and newest gadgets taking up their play time. However, one thing that will never go out of fashion are those wooden toys you once loved as a child. They’re charming, timeless and simply beautiful to look at but if you need more reasons to choose wooden toys then here’s our top collections. 1. THEY’RE MUCH MORE DURABLE THAN PLASTIC TOYS Have you ever seen a toddler carefully place their favourite toys back inside their toy box? Nope, we haven’t...

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balance bike, brand launch, kinderfeets, new brand, open ended play, sweet pea, trikes, wooden bikes, wooden toys -

Welcome to the wonderful world of Kinderfeets. We are super proud to be working with them to bring you their fabulous brand to the Middle East.  ⁠ Let us tell you a little bit about the brand #kinderfeets - Wooden toys that help gain a deep sense of awareness of body & mind.⁠ Born in the Netherlands where a love for biking is fostered early on, Founder and Owner Oscar V. Mulder was determined as a young parent to cultivate an appreciation for adventurous learning in his son, Sebastiaan. What started 10 years ago as a one-time project to build Sebastiaan...

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